Debt Counselling: 031 110 0017
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I knew I had hit rock-bottom when I wasn’t able to buy groceries for my family. I wasn’t able to pay for my child’s school fees, but when I realized I couldn’t afford to even buy food, and pay for my family’s daily needs, I was so worried I didn’t know what to do.

At first it was just clothing accounts, and I was coping with my debt. Then, when I was 37, I was so excited to be able to buy my car. It was like a dream come true, until I realized how bad things were. I had eight credit providers and I couldn’t afford my installments, and the debt collectors were chasing me for payment. I was angry, depressed, moody and short-tempered.

But eventually I confided in a few close friends and family members. I was so embarrassed to tell them what was wrong, but their response surprised me. They were so supportive, and I realized that I was not alone.

One of my friends had heard about Pioneer Debt Solutions on the radio and she encouraged me to go and speak to them. I desperately needed help and I was tired of being oppressed by debt, so I took her advice – and I signed up the same day.

The process was very simple, and the consultants were so welcoming and helpful. And I was so happy when they negotiated my installments down from R11000 a month to only R6500 a month. At last, I had some money to live on each month.

Debt review is not hard at all, but you have to learn to live on the money that you have and not on credit because you can’t take any loans when you are still under the program. I knew this was for my own good and it is definitely worth it. Pioneer does not only reduce your instalments; you are also rehabilitated. I started with Pioneer Debt Solutions in 2014 and completed the process in June 2019. and was able to buy myself a car on credit 2 weeks after receiving my clearance certificate.

Struggling with debt?
Let us handle your debts in a safe and effective way.