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In the continued struggle against poverty, The Pioneer Group visited the community of KwaMashu, North of Durban on the 27th of August 2020 to deliver food parcels and grocery vouchers to disadvantaged families during these trying times of COVID 19.

We started our day by going to a reputable supermarket in the area of KwaMashu to buy grocery vouchers and grocery items for the food parcels. We then met up with the 3 excited individuals at Princess Magogo Stadium to present them with their grocery vouchers. The weather on that day was very windy and cold but that did not stop the two Gogos (elderly women) and Umkhulu (elderly man) from coming to meet up with us. Umkhulu was a bit shy but you could just see that he was very grateful for the voucher and he briefly informed us of his situation. He narrated how things have been very tough for him and his family since his government pension was discontinued and how the whole family depended on that grant. The two Gogos could not stop singing our praises and thanking us for the vouchers. They also both expressed how financially burdened they were because they had too many mouths to feed with just their pension grant from the government and the major problems they have of take care of their children and grandchildren, since their children were unemployed. 

We then proceeded to the families that were going to receive food parcels and they were over the moon. A lady from one of the families that we visited said, “that we were God sent and that she was just about to leave to go to a loan shark to get money to buy food”. The other two families were very shy but you could see the gratitude and excitement on their faces, they were also very happy the food parcels consisted of large packets of core foods that were going to last them for a while. 

We would like to thank the community leaders of KwaMashu for assisting The Pioneer Group in locating these families as we were able to relieve 6 families from the stress of not knowing where their next meal would be coming from. 

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